Platelet Rich Plasma Injections (PRP)
Platelets are one of the 4 main components of blood, plasma being the major component in this tissue. Platelet-rich plasma is an autologous blood product containing a higher platelet concentration than the usual level within the whole blood.
Platelets have very important roles in a series of healing processes such as coagulating, producing blood vessels and repairing connective tissue. They have the ability to reach the site of lesions through biochemical signaling and induce healing when combined with certain proteins contained in our plasma. These proteins are called growth factors and are activated by inflammation.
By introducing platelet-rich plasma in a joint, a tendon, or any place that we want to address, we can accelerate the healing process that would be painful and would take weeks.
There are important studies that show that platelet-rich plasma has a significant advantage in results for pain management vs cortisone or hyaluronic acid injections in joints or on any osteotendinous tissue.
This therapy may help with:
Arthritis or osteoarthrosis (degenerative knee cartilage)
Ligaments issues: torn ligament, sprains, tendonitis or any other injury
A bulging or herniated disc (Sciatica/sciatic nerve pain)
Injuries due to sports or exercising (such “tennis elbow,” plantar fasciitis in runners, or common injuries affecting the rotator cuff)
Sacroiliac problems
Carpal tunnel syndrome
Chronic pain in any susceptible area such as the neck, lower back, knees, or shoulders
Stiffness in joints
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